Monday, March 26, 2007


Summer breeze, ice by the bike path, P. and I rode miles along the trail to our ice-cream destination, and then back. He's resting now, while I catch up here. Taking the day off, imagining what to beautiful outside.


Blogger Annie Wicking said...

Hi Steve,
Sorry I have been about much, but my mum was taken into hospital on Monday night. They weren't sure what was wrong with her. They did think she'd had a stroke. She can't stand up on her own. Yesterday, she was her bright happy self with her head in the TV and telling us all about the latest soap action.
We are worried that she can't stay living in her wardened flat, she has a carer going in twice a day. She loves the freedom of being on her own... Still it's early days...

Bye for now


Blogger steve said...

Hello Annie -
That can be quite a challenge - knowing what to do, what to say & when. I'm sure you care for her a lot. Good to talk about it sometimes. One of my grandmothers lived a long time on her own in Sunderland, someone coming in to take care of her a couple times a day, spent all day in a wheelchair but she somehow managed to paint her flat (the inside, anyway). Eventually did need to move, much as she didn't want to. Aging's not for softies.

Take care,

Blogger Unknown said...


I left a comment at the slog2live blog about your distillation poem of years back. It looks like you may not look at that one much anymore, so didn't want you to miss it.


Blogger steve said...

MG - thank you - very nice to hear this. Very best wishes to you and your daughter (Frost is still one of my favorite poets).


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