Monday, March 19, 2007


A full day. Good band rehearsal this evening, performances coming up. Also spent time with N. working on her analytical chemistry homework. But it's late now and time for rest. Good night, and see you tomorrow...


Blogger Annie Wicking said...

Hi Steve, It's great to hear how well your band is doing.
Yes, my home study course is to help with my writing.
Its called 'Polish your writing style' and covers word functions, Sentence structure, Brevity & clarity, Punctuation, and Elements of style.

You can choose to complete it by email which is what I did. At the end of the course you can send in part of your rejected writing to have your tutor show you why a publisher might have rejected it.

I'm enjoying the course more than my evening class. It's a shame about the evening class as I was hoping to have a teacher I could talk to about my writing and help me with the areas I'm not 100% happy about.

Best wishes


Blogger steve said...

Hello Annie,
First day of Spring...or so the radio says. Still a bit of snow around. The band is for enjoyment, we are pretty much old enough to be the parents of some of the other bands we meet, and appreciate being able to be done by 10 PM if possible. Tonight one of the band member's kids actually did do the opening act, which was great.

What sort of writing do you enjoy doing?



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