Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Crunch times in the classrooms. Several of the kids feeling the pressure of assignments, unclear directions, frustration at having done more than was actually needed. Hard to know what to say sometimes. Help them through it, support, offer cups of tea...P is fine, upstairs working on a puzzle, but R & C have both had late nights recently trying to get everything done. With N we have to use some imagination, she did ask for some help this weekend with a chemistry assignment.

Cy. is doing more teaching, yesterday in P's classroom, which I think they both enjoy. Definitely feels busy around home.

At work we have 'monthly random lunches' where groups of 4 are picked, somebody is put in charge of picking the date & out nicely, get to meet people that otherwise might be someone you pass in the hall for five years and never get to know. Had one of these yesterday; nearly always good conversations.

Studying for patent bar exam. Easy for this to get crowded out with the new job, it's all good learning but at the same time there are plenty of urgent things that come up. I'm finding that it's by far best to ask for advice sooner rather than later, sometimes saves considerable time and effort (i.e. 'wheel spinning'). Good experience for one who has typically tried to solve things solo.

Enjoying the early morning light. Daylight savings time starts this weekend, which will reset some of the recent progress in light at this time of day. Beautiful blue sky with high vague clouds. Sparrow on the bird feeder. Well, not a sparrow, but something close (need to know my birds better).

Time to roll.

P. S. Just used the spellchecker here and found 5 mistakes! (along with good replacement options - helpful tool)


Blogger Annie Wicking said...

Hi Steve,
A fun but dull working day. I'm learning to built two new products at work today. I'm sitting next to my friend, Esther. We normally sit back to back so we don't get to talk much during the day. Which, in a way is a good thing as we tend to laugh too much.
So today I didn't have much time to think about my writing. My home study course is going well and I've nearly finished the second part.
You should get yourself a bird book and let me know just what birds you have in your garden.
How are you enjoying the PDJames book?

best wishes

Blogger steve said...

Hello Annie,
I think maybe it is a chickadee, but you're right, I should get a bird book and find out. I am enjoying PD James, managing to get a little time to read during the week, will likely finish this weekend. I did pick up another one at the library - "Cover Her Face." So the reading is going well - thanks for mentioning about her!

Good to have a friend at work, especially one you can laugh with. I enjoy your notes, and look forward to more of your writing on the scribbling pad.:)

Blogger Pris said...

Hi Steve
I'm just getting ready to update my links and am adding both you and Annie since she was kind enough to visit my blog, too, and let me discover her.


Blogger steve said...

Pris - that's great! Thank you.


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