Monday, March 05, 2007


Neighbor's car tail light glowing red through dark pine branches. A flag gently waving through the trees and power lines. It's Monday morning, first one in March.

Surprisingly, an eagle doing upward spirals on an air current from who-knows-where (certainly no cliffs here). That was a treat, if omen-like.

Laid in bed a bit too long, that old Deep Purple song 'Lazy' running through my head (wonderfully cheezy midi version here complete with harmonica solo :)

Time to roll. Full day at the office, band rehearsal, homework helper after that. And maybe read more of PD James book (about 1/3-1/2 through - main suspects being interviewed - enjoying this story).

Another version of Lazy - live, from 1972


Blogger Annie Wicking said...

Hi Steve,
Thank you for your words. I know I must be strong about my writing. I wasn't any good at school, and now at my age I'm learning about grammar of the first time. I'm still nervous about my writing.

Today, when I drove into work the sky was pink and blue. Your photo is beautiful....

Best wishes


Blogger steve said...

Annie - you've got courage (evidenced by going right up to famous authors to chat), and I suspect you've also got a rich style that you can draw on already. Don't let fears about grammar keep you from writing - that's really the best way to learn, I think.

Thanks for the kind word about the photo on slog2live :)

Blogger Annie Wicking said...

I don't just want to be good at writing. I want to be great, but I'm not aiming for riches or fame.

I've always been scare of it... Now I feel like I'm flying... I love it. I love the fact I can write down what I see in my head. I use to paint, even sold some.. But I was never happy with them, they were never good enough for me. Now I know want I want to say and I can say... Maybe you can't understand how it makes me feel knowing I can after all those years when I couldn't... I'm not even sure why I'm telling you all of this..
I think it's you have a kind face... Please don't read anything to deep into it... I'm a very happy person.

P.s I won't be offended if you delete our chats

Blogger Annie Wicking said...

Sorry, I've just reread my comment and I see my spelling hasn't improved enough yet :-)


Blogger steve said...

Annie - very kind of you, and not reading too deeply. It does sound like you are quite happy.

For me, it's maybe similar with playing music that I hear - there's something being able to imagine and then make it happen. And then there is the whole other part of someone hearing or reading or seeing and making their own interpretation. Lots of subtle details sometimes.

Thanks for writing, your notes are quite welcome and I'm not intending to delete these - you do of course have the complete freedom to remove them at any time, for any reason and without explanation. Kind of a law of the road, I guess.

Regarding spelling mistakes - at work I depend heavily on a spell checker to catch typos, it has saved me many times.


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