Thursday, March 01, 2007


N's birthday! So grown up...the other day I was over at her university, helping with a study session, I really like being around there - wouldn't mind teaching someday, probably (if possible). Enjoyed spending the time with her and a couple fellow students slogging through chemistry problems. Memories.

Today at work, someone was cleaning out an office and was trying to unload unwanted books - one of them happened to be a chemistry text written by a couple of the professors I had, so I grabbed it and put it on the shelf with the rest of my chemistry museum. Two shelves-worth. Might be useful again someday.

Was reading an article tonight about drug discovery and how chemists have turned more strongly again to using plant natural products as the starting points. Reading through it made me realize how immersed I've been in thinking about drug research, and now spend loads of time "getting my arms around" processes involved with managing a business's patent portfolio. Quite different worlds!

So, today the blizzard came at last, the schools got closed down, will be closed tomorrow as well. Tricky driving on the freeway. Had a music practice tonight partly in preparation for a memorial service tomorrow - a young person who had cancer several years...tough for everyone involved.

Car repaired today - a sensor failed, requiring a significant part replacement and corresponding cost. Been a good car, though, overall.

Still snowing. Plenty of shoveling ahead, though no big hurry given our situation.

More tomorrow...


Blogger Annie Wicking said...

Hi Steve,
Here in England when we have a little light shower of snow the country grinds to a halt.
Loman is a scientist too, he works with blood.
Where abouts were you born in England?
I have completed two books so far. One is an adult book of 120,000 words an children's book of 34,000. Ten short stories and I have 2 other adult mapped out plus the novelette which I've just started work on. I've started an online writing course to help with my writing, mainly my grammar.
Was the tornado any where near you?

Blogger steve said...

Hello Annie -
Pleasure to get your note.
Sometimes the snow is heaviest for us in March. This is one of those times.

The tornados were more in the Southern US, although we do typically have them around here in late May and June. They can be very destructive.

I usually tell people here that I was born near Newcastle, since they will have heard of it, although it was actually Sunderland, which of course is quite a football rival, and a Sunderland boy would never claim to be from 'a town near Newcastle' if telling the story in England. At least, that's my impression. I did grow up here, so I mainly have to go by what I've heard. They do sell Newcastle Ale around here.

Loman's work sounds interesting, blood is so complex.

Good for you on the writing course - I've never done an online course (other than the mandatory things for work). I suppose this can work well for writing.

Sounds like some careful planning goes into the writing.


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