Thursday, August 10, 2006


Yes! Made it back again!

Pretty full day solving problems - the kind that involve some math analysis, I like them when they finally work out. Also some computer programming. And a bit of job hunting activity. A good day.

Music practice a bit hectic, trying to mimic an outdoor setup indoors to make sure everything works, and not all the crew was there, so a bit challenging. It will probably be ok, if it doesn't rain too much.

So, here at home it seems quiet - N here with her good friend, R off with friends at a fair, CA off with her friends, P having a go at his video game. And CL doing some sewing (her clothes getting too loose!). Fairly typical evening, a bit muggy. Gorgeous moonrise last night, not up yet tonight as far as I can see. Time to catch up on blogworld. Back tomorrow!


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