Saturday, March 03, 2007


Welcome - I'd offer you some tea, if there was a way...this morning the sunlight is brilliant off the fresh snow.

Music last night was, as expected, sparsely attended - a few loyal folks who often show up, fellow musicians mostly. Nice to see them.

Ah, the weekend ahead. I often spend a bit of time planning on Saturday mornings, it gives a sense of hope that things will all get sorted out. Usually by about 2 pm I've wandered far off course, but at least some of it gets done.

To be a writer...a good writer...a whole brain writer. Need to give the whole brain a chance to participate, I suppose. Sounds difficult, if not undefined.

Possible criteria for good writing:

people spend time reading it
people ask other people if they've read it
and, might as well admit - people spend money to read it

By those criteria, we end up with popular trash being good writing, which is clearly a grinding sort of definition.

The dialogues of Socrates - I used to love reading them, and I suppose they are well written. They are loaded with explorations of definitions that typically leave common assumptions in shreds. They are popular with some, but I don't meet many who have (1) taken the time to read them, (2) asked others if they've read them, or (3) spent money to read them. But I doubt that many would seriously claim that Plato's dialogues of Socrates are not good writing.

The works of Shakespeare - never mind, you get the point.

Some write simply because they can't not write. There is too much to say in one short life.

My daughter C does well at writing. She can sit down at the computer late at night, after working or babysitting or time with friends, think of a topic and write a pretty decent paper for class the next day. There's a kind of ability to focus and sense the parts that need to come together. It's nice to see, biased as I of course am.

I should be careful about singling out one of the children, that is always fraught with comparison. My defense is that they are all different, all have their own strengths, and I need to take care to recognize and encourage each of them (This is clearly disclaimer language).

OK, on with the morning plans, more thinking about writing later.


Blogger Allan said...

What makes good music? It's not Billboard...

Blogger steve said...

allan - I don't really know...but I think most music that I like has an element of conversation that I can follow, even if it's really simple. I spent some time reading at your site - I see you play bass - me too, since high school or so. I like the role of trying to support and glue everything together, or at least that's how I think of it sometimes. Life can seem kind of unglued at times, can't it? Thanks for stopping by!


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