Sunday, April 08, 2007


Today a fellow musician sent this link of Joshua Bell playing for tips in a metro station in DC. I found it to be a fascinating experiment.

And now for the meme questions...(Annie asked me to write on the topics listed below, similar to what she has done on her writing blog).

How do you achieve balance in your life?

The basics - enough rest, good nutrition, exercise, time with family and friends. Taking time to recharge by playing music and writing is also important for me.

What is your biggest challenge in balancing your life?

It varies, but getting enough rest may be the biggest, followed by exercise - and the two are related. It comes down to setting boundaries on things like studying and handling work-related items.

What are your priorities?

Based on how I actually spend time, it looks like work is a hugely important priority. And it is important, in part because of a significant career change that's involving a lot of learning. But another major priority is playing music, which usually means playing either violin or bass guitar in a group with people that similarly need to take time to play. And another very huge priority is being available for my family - giving rides, talking, helping with homework...whatever comes up.

How have your priorities changed over time and why?

I went through an intense period of studying computer programming and database design. This was in part related to work but also was just letting my head work on something different. Prior to that time I used to study foreign languages, for much the same reasons. And now I study how people go about doing inventions - same story. I used to exercise a lot but this took too much time and was not what I would call balanced - 3 times a week is a good goal now.

What advice can you share to help all of us balance our own lives?

Try to not stress too much about keeping balance. It's not really very possible sometimes, depending on choices that have been made. I do like the idea of taking responsibility for choices and using good judgement whenever possible, especially when it's time to say "no." Nicely, but still needs to be said. And remember to breathe.

I guess part of the meme idea is to then tap someone else...I'll need to think about that part though.


Blogger Annie Wicking said...

Hi Steve,

Just enjoyed reading your answers to a balance life.
It's wonderful to understand what makes us all tick...

Thank you for joining in.

Best wishes


Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a great response to the Joshua Bell article by a NYC subway musician in her blog:
She interprets the situation differently from the Washington Post reporters... I thought you might find it interesting.

Blogger Annie Wicking said...

Hi Steve,
I'm sorry I haven't been about.
I've been busy with my writing. I've had some great results with my online course, I'm very pleased with myself.
The days here are becoming much warmer now so I'm busy sowing seeds, I enjoy growing my own vegetables.
Hows your friend's son?


Blogger steve said...

Hello Annie,

Nice to hear from you again, and that your writing class is working out (the online one). And I can also feel the warmth from the sun through the window here, my son ran out just now to play with his friends.

My friends' son was doing better but I think they still don't have a clear answer on what was happening, and still watching. So, a bit of relief. I'll likely see them tomorrow...

Enjoy the planting time - it's quite popular here as well, although a bit soon still, we had snow a couple of days ago.

It's the final weekend for taxes - a few final details and off they go - at last!

And then back to some writing, with Miles Davis in the background. Thanks again for the note.

Blogger Annie Wicking said...

Great news about your friend's son. I wish them all the best. Still have snow, wow that seems a dream away here & today especially, the sun seems warm already. I missed out on my early morning walk as I had a bad night. I hope to be well enough tomorrow, unforunately it's back to work then. The weekend I haven't got as much writing done as I hope too. Yesterday, I made a start on my next assignment as well as making the bread and no I don't use a machine. I made it the old fashion way with my hands. I grew up living next door to a flour mill, my father was a master miller.

best wishes to you and your family


Blogger steve said...

Something so satisfying about making bread by hand - comforting. Thank you, Annie.



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