Thursday, July 05, 2007


Studies go on. Learning the rules and lingo about patents. Taking the odd break to read or write something else, but mainly studying.

Plenty of fireworks in the streets yesterday, someof them sounding a bit louder than in previous years, I think people are pushing the limits on what fireworks they personally set off. But I didn't hear any sirens, so no major mishaps.

Back to work today, beautiful sunny morning and hopefully I can get out and go for a walk.

Rest of the crew here doing fine. Some are helping with preparations for a farm auction in Iowa - out among cornfields.


Blogger Annie Wicking said...

Hi Steve, glad to hear from you.
Was worried you were working too hard.
I loved your poem

best wishes to you and your family


Blogger steve said...

Hello Annie - yes, a bit one-track lately, seems to be what it takes sometimes. Thanks for the note and wishes. Hope your crew is doing well, too.

Those llamas are really something!


Blogger Annie Wicking said...

Hi Steve,
Glad to know you and your family are keeping well.
If possible could you visit an online writing competiton site.
Please could you read a short shory I have posted.
If and only if you really like it.. Could you vote for it.

I'm putting the link on my blog so if anyone doesn't want to vote they can let me know what they didn't like or understand about it.
most of the people I work with didn't understand it.
But I didn't want to change any of it. Please let me know what you think of it

best wishes,

Blogger steve said...

Hello Annie -
I did vote - there are some very strong elements in your story, which I think are pretty clear. It does take a bit of work (thinking) to piece together the possibilities of who the speaker is, who the 'bad guy' is, where everybody's from, where they're all going, and to some extent, where they are. Some of those things maybe could flow more easily, but the stark sense of justice and pain that runs through the story invites the effort.

I thought of maybe editing with some kind of tracking of changes so you could see where changes were made, but not clear how to do this...

Keep writing, Ammie. You have a lot to say.


Blogger Annie Wicking said...

Hi Steve,
I'm affaid I can't edit it now its posted.
I have four more stories to write So hopefully these ones will make more sense to other readers.

Thank you for taking the time to read it and being honest with me.

It help me to improve.

Best wishes

Blogger steve said...

Hi Annie,
You're doing great.



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