Monday, April 23, 2007


Listening this morning to Joshua Bell's "Voice of the Violin" - excerpts of which are currently running at his website. Wonderful.

Sad news this weekend on the death of an older farmer in Iowa that some of us here knew - there was some kind of tractor accident. He was the dad of our kid's 'youth group' leader - his farm was typically included as a stopover during trips to Chicago, for an evening campfire and a day of hanging out around the farm. He will be very missed, some here are sorting out how to attend the funeral.

Beautiful cardinal at the birdfeeder.


Blogger Annie Wicking said...

I'm sorry to hear about your sad loss. I hope everything went well for the funeral.

I'm sorry to for not being around much I've been busy with every day life and my writing and now the reading.

The days seem longer though there still isn't enough hours in the day..

Best wishes

Blogger steve said...

Hello Annie -

Thanks for a note. Life can become quite a blur.

Yesterday I started reading Kurt Vonnegut's "Welcome to the Monkey House", a collection of short pieces. They're enjoyable and also a treat for thinking about how to write short stories.

Several from my family traveled to the funeral - they ended up helping quite a bit with some of the logistics, shuttling things around for the visitation & funeral. It was good for them to be so involved, and it's really not clear how things would have been taken care of otherwise.

Glad to hear that you are writing...


Blogger steve said...

The red cardinal just showed up again

Blogger Annie Wicking said...

Hi Steve,
How things with you, still busy with every day life I expected.

I've just been up dating my blog and book review. Loman is a great help to me as he read through my book review and let me know I had made some mistake with my grammar. I get so cross with myself when I can't see it foe myself then I get angry with Mr.C for the fact he didn't live up to what I was expecting. We had a rerun of the test I'm to take on the 15th May, what utter rubbish! both MrC & some teacher who is to set it, were very excited for me when I passed the prerun test. I said Great so I've pass a test but have I learnt anything "No!" Honest to God, you could have a room full of apes and computers, and they would pass it...
No wonder Mr.C didn't bother to teach us anything because he know what the test was like.

Crazy just crazy


Blogger steve said...

Hi Annie,

I wonder if the best thing is to write and then let someone else review the grammar, and not burn up about it. But I know what you mean, I get frustrated at not seeing things too.

Did finish "Welcome to the Monkey House" yesterday. Started boring everyone by telling them "oh, that reminds me of a Kurt Vonnegut story that I just read."

Must write. There's a group called 'Magnapoets' which last year did some very fine work and then the website went 'poof!' It's re-starting...I said I would submit some pieces, so need to get cracking on that. Nobody around here says 'need to get cracking' but it probably sounds familiar to you.

Thanks again for the note. Take care.


PS Sounds like Loman is able to help with the grammar.

Blogger Annie Wicking said...

Yes, it does. Have you seen the YouTube I've posted.
As you love music, I think you'll love this one.

I'll be back again soon


Blogger Annie Wicking said...

Hi Steve,
the time has come I'm writing that letter about Mr.C

It a hard thing for me to do, but I feel it must be the right thing to do...

Hope you have a great weekend and hope to speak with you again soon


Blogger steve said...

thanks Annie - I hope the letter works out ok.



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