Saturday, April 21, 2007


Howdy do. Cloudy day.

Thinking I should pick up a Kurt Vonnegut book today. If the weather was better, I'd be thinking about a wilderness canoe trip. The book is much less expensive.

Studying "Novelty Requirement - Loss of Right to Patent" which is by nature a bit dry, though a good exercise in logic.

Wishing to spend some time building computer programs to deal with some of the manual data handling in my job. I think I know what needs to be done, but hard to know where the break-even point is in spending the time programming vs. just doing it. Usually the programming leads to a better understanding of the data, so can be worth it for that. If you like that sort of thing.

The ants are making their appearance, so alerts are going out around the house to not leave dirty dishes in the sink. These small stresses are usually managed ok, although I start imagining creative ways of dealing with the ants. Which I suppose can lead to a better understanding of ants. If you like that sort of thing.

And so it goes, and since I do like Vonnegut I might just go and get that book now.


Blogger Annie Wicking said...

Ants are very interesting, if they were as big as us they would just use us as food. They are very self-contained, just like bees.
I understand what you mean about about getting to know your sudject.

Please don't worry about me naming names. Mr.C isn't called Mr.C nor is Ms40's or MD etc. :-)
I've posted the lastest, it's a bit long. Sorry...

We have still bathing in hot sunshine here.


Blogger steve said...

Hello Annie,

I should spend a little time studying ants - they are pretty amazing, there's probably a lot more to the story than simply using formic acid to create trails to where the food is (if that's what they do...I wonder what would happen if I put spots of formic acid here and there - would it confuse the ants? Somehow I doubt it.)

Sunshine sounds lovely. We've had rain but this morninglooks quite clear and the sun is just up.


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