Sunday, April 02, 2006


Ca. home safely, long trip since they had a 6 AM flight which translated (including the change to daylight savings time) to getting up at 1:30, so essentially no sleep last night or on the trip. She spent some time yesterday visiting a pretty huge garbage dump site near Tijuana, lots of kids there looking for food. So today when P. was complaining about his sandwich, he was advised to 'suck it up and eat what you get.' Good to have Ca. back. Chilly & rainy day, woodstove going.

This morning a Teen Challenge choir came to our church, we played several tunes and did one with them that was very upbeat and it reminded me of the way people celebrate at rock concerts - a lot of fun, then we spent a bit of time socializing, which for me meant finding a couple of other introverts who weren't comfortable in the crowd and we'd laugh about it. It was a good morning.

Went to the 'Owner to Owner' car place to price vans like ours - there wasn't anything that matched well, but I think I know what kind of price to start with, so this week will be getting the 1994 Nautica Villager with 200,000+ miles ready to sell for around $2500, it should go reasonably soon...

Continuing to have a go at writing, especially poetry-type writing. I really enjoy it when one seems to come together.

Got the digital camera out of the box and started learning about it, able to point and click but lots to learn before getting decent images.


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