Catch up post.
Work world continues in somewhat uncharted orbit. Lots of good people around. A good number of internal hirings could be likely but always an interesting process, with many looking. I'm thankful for the caliber of people I work with, a hard time shows what they are made of.
Exploring IP law, have acquired some study materials and targeting another 'piece of paper,' this if time permits and somewhat dependent on opportunities. But seems like a reasonable idea - a good idea, even. These days there are numerous web resources to read, including for example a blog called IPBIZ.
Writing some poetry, a daily activity either on slog2live or Magnapoets. There are some really good writers on the latter site.
N. seems to be doing well at college, taking on difficult courses, studying and preparing and getting through the exams. She's also finding some time to waitress and pick up some pretty decent tips.
C.A. back into swim club scene, readjusting to the intensity. Keeps very busy but at the same time usually well balanced, keeping time for friends and resting.
R. very grown up, spends time with friends and a whiz at electronic communication :) Very sweet and encouraging, I appreciate this more during a time of some uncertainty.
P. spends quite a bit of time with his buddies - has piano recital next week, also has developed playstation skills without going too far overboard.:)
I need to spend more time with each of them.
C. L. exercising lots and in great shape, continues to help out friends, especially the ones from Sudan/Uganda. Quite a heart for them.
Still like the camera, and playing violin - played along with B.'s co-workers at a banquet the other night, lots of fun. Great to have this kind of activity.
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